Ninety percent of all knee injuries are caused by a weak vastus medialis (medial quadricep) muscle, according to Dr. James Garrick, who founded the St. Francis Hospital Sports Medicine Clinic.
The NeuroKinetic Therapy® corrective movement system protocol is extremely effective in restoring functionality to the vastus medialis and balance to the surrounding muscles. Of course isolating the vastus medialis during exercise is crucial in its rehab. A recent study of meniscus tears shows that patients who did not have surgery and only did physical therapy fared better than those that did have surgery. This tells us that restoring balance and strength is far more effective. The knee can be a very vulnerable area for athletes in general, especially skiers, runners, and soccer players. The golden rule for knees is simply balance and strength.
In 1996, I became one of David Weinstock clients who achieved permanent relief from knee pain. After injuring my knee, I met with San Francisco’s most reputable orthopedic knee specialist. His examination along with an x-ray and MRI found nothing. He then prescribed anti-inflammatories and physical therapy 3 times a week for six weeks. Unfortunately, neither one of them helped at all and after two months I was beginning to feel discouraged and hopeless. One session with David changed my life. I was playing ultimate frisbee two weeks later.
David Priest, Hartford, CT